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Showing posts from February, 2007

Guidance for Industry and FDA

Dear Manufacturer: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is reminding manufacturers and distributors of conventional food products about the different types of labeling claims available for use on conventional food products and how these claims are regulated by the Agency. Currently, claims that appear on conventional food labels and labeling generally fall into the following categories: health claims, structure/function claims, nutrient content claims, and dietary guidance. A health claim is a claim that describes the relationship between a substance (food or food component) and a disease or health-related condition (21 CFR 101.14(a)(1)). Health claims are limited to claims about disease risk reduction and cannot be claims about the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease. The latter claims are drug claims under section 201(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act). There are three ways by which FDA exercises its oversight in determining which health claim...

Integrated sleeve applicator

Benco Pack SpA and its mother company Sacmi Imola have been informed by the European Patent Office that its patent for sleeve label application integrated in a Form-Fill-Seal machine has been fully approved by the European authority as of 18th October 2006 (European Patent Nr. 1587736). The original idea, presented at Anuga 2003, has been reconfirmed at Anuga FoodTech in April 2006 through concrete results exhibiting the machine after 3 years of pilot tests, improvements, modifications, four already supplied machines and 2 new orders on the way. Thanks to the cooperation with partner-customers such as Leche Pascual (Spanish worldwide market leader for aseptic products), this device has reached an excellent level of reliability and represents the real innovation in the sector because of the great advantages it offers in terms of package appeal and material cost saving compared to the traditionally paper-labeled thermoformed cups or with pre-made cups. With ISA, it is now possible to la...