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Showing posts from March, 2008

Amcor’s PowerFlex™ bottle selected to launch Sportsdrink+

Sportsdrink+, the first isotonic performance beverage formulated for specifically for motor and power sport athletes, will appear on the shelves in PowerFlex™ from Amcor PET Packaging. LINK 26 February, 2008: Amcor PET Packaging helps Hazardous Fluids Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia, launch the first isotonic supplement drink specifically designed for motor and power sport athletes. The company has selected Amcor's 16.9-ounce, dome-shouldered PowerFlex™ polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle to introduce its Sportsdrink+ isotonic performance beverage to the U.S. market. Company vice president and Australian native, Damon Hill has long been associated with the motor and power sports industries. A few years ago, while working on various projects with U.S.-based teams and athletes, it came to his attention that the unique performance requirements of these athletes had been overlooked by other sports drink manufacturers. "We researched what was on the market and q...