DiMS! organizing print, the world leader in MIS/ERP systems for the printing and packaging industries, announced their new commitment as Partner Member with the CIP4 organization (International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress). By elevating their status, DiMS! organizing print becomes the first new company in 4 years to contribute as a Partner Member.
DiMS! organizing print has been a Full Member of CIP4 since 2003, however, the upgrade in membership level to Partner Member further strengthens their on-going commitment to the graphic arts industry through CIP4. As part of this membership class, DiMS! organizing print has appointed Annemieke Marneth-Dirkes for a seat on the Advisory Board. “I am very enthusiastic about this challenge, and excited to help the CIP4 organization deliver maximum value to the printing industry,” stated Annemieke Marneth-Dirkes, General Manager DiMS! organizing print.
“DiMS! organizing print has made a major commitment to the JDF Product Certification program and has the distinction of being the first MIS company to complete all the certifications that are applicable to MIS systems,” said Jim Harvey, CIP4’s Executive Director. “Furthermore, DiMS! staff has been active in developing education and marketing programs within CIP4. Clearly DiMS! is already committed to CIP4 and our mission of fostering automation in the printing industry, and I’m glad that they are taking one step further towards this commitment by stepping up to the Partner level membership within CIP4. Given their level of involvement in CIP4, I expect that DiMS! will become a positive contributor to the CIP4 Advisory Board, the overall CIP4 membership, and to printers around the world looking to CIP4 for leadership in automation and improved productivity.”
“Our decision to upgrade our membership level to Partner Member is based on our desire to support and help further printers in the graphic arts industry,” said Gerard Marneth, CEO, DiMS! organizing print. “I mentioned late last year that DiMS! organizing print is serious about our commitment to JDF integration and enhancing MIS technology so that customers can really benefit from cost savings, and through our increasing involvement with CIP4, we can ensure that this commitment will be rendered.”
DiMS!’ recent activity with CIP4 included supporting their JDF certification program. In 2009, DiMS.NET! became the first and only MIS software to be certified with 5 JDF interfaces at the highest level – becoming the forerunner of MIS vendors. Later that year, they also certified 7 gray boxes making them, at that time, the most JDF certified MIS/ERP vendor.
About DiMS! organizing print
DiMS! organizing print develops, sells, and implements DiMS!, the world’s leading MIS/ERP solution for the printing and packaging industry. DiMS! contains all of the functionality necessary to fully integrate the complete range of business processes in a single software package. From sales and estimating to planning and scheduling, from prepress to print and bind, supply chain to transportation, and automated invoicing to real-time management information, DiMS! supports it all.
Founded in 1986, DiMS! organizing print supplies many of the world’s leading print and packaging companies and label converters with integrated Management Information Systems. More than 10,000 employees experience, on a daily basis, the ease of use DiMS! provides. Companies such as Roto Smeets Group (the Netherlands), Brown Printing Company (USA), Burda Druck (Germany), PMP Limited (Australia), Mayr-Melnhof (Austria) and Paarl Media Group (South Africa) currently benefit from the DiMS! integrated system. For more information about DiMS! organizing print, please visit www.dims.net.
About CIP4
CIP4 brings together vendors, consultants, and end-users in the print communications, graphic arts industry, and associated sectors, covering a variety of equipment, software, peripherals, and processes. Members participate in focused working groups to define the Job Definition Format (JDF), PrintTalk, and other standards relevant to process automation; to study user requirements; to test product interoperability; and to develop a range of JDF software development tools. Information on CIP4, including membership details, is available from the organization's website: www.cip4.org. Or contact: Stefan Daun , Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, +49 6151 155 575, secretariat@cip4.org. All content and ideas submitted to the CIP4 user groups and intellectual property rights subsisting therein shall become the exclusive property of CIP4.
Source: www.duomedia.com
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