Meeting requests from the industry for an event focused on release liner in the pressure-sensitive labelling applications, the annual AWA Label Release Liner Industry Seminar 2010 takes place on 13th September, 2010, at the Hyatt Rosemont Hotel, Chicago, USA. Continuing its established tradition of prefacing the label industry’s major exhibition, Labelexpo (this year taking place in Chicago), the Seminar is a key event for all associated with the release liner and pressure-sensitive label market as supplier, producer, or user.
Change is in the air
The pressure-sensitive label market represents over 50% of all release liner produced and used, and it is currently experiencing considerable change. Forward- and backward- integration; substitution of pressure-sensitive labels by alternative decorating technologies; high material costs; increased competition and margin pressures; a resurgence of interest in linerless labels; and waste management are all issues in the industry today. In-depth market analysis from AWA Alexander Watson Associates sets the agenda in context, and the Label Release Liner Industry Seminar brings together experts from all levels of the release liner value chain, to highlight trends and opportunities as well as to assess the challenges.
Organized by AWA Conferences & Events, the seminar features a formal program which is complemented by a tabletop exhibition and by end-of-day cocktails hosted by the event’s Platinum Sponsors, UPM.
Details of the AWA Label Release Liner Industry Seminar, as well as the opportunity to register online, are available via the AWA website,
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