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John Watson takes first Gallus RCS 330 offset combination press in UK

Glasgow label printer, John Watson and Co Ltd, is broadening its market offering in order to increase business opportunities with the purchase of the UK’s first Gallus RCS 330 offset combination press.
The ten unit Gallus press, which will also be the longest of its kind in the UK, will enable John Watson to produce self adhesive labels for its customers in the spirits industry. The Gallus RCS 330 will be delivered in early December 2010.
“We predominantly print for the Scottish Whisky industry, which traditionally has meant wet labels.
However, pressure sensitive labels are becoming easier to apply and can have much more intricate designs. A few of our clients’ major brands are being redeveloped and want to move over to this process for these reasons. By investing in the Gallus RCS 330 press we will be able to support them and can also offer PSL capability to new customers,” says Robert McLachlan, Joint Managing Director at John Watson.

The new Gallus RCS 330 ten unit offset combination press will join the world’s longest B2 15 unit sheetfed Heidelberg press putting John Watson in the unique position of being able to supply both wet and self adhesive processes.
“In today’s market it is important to be able to offer customers as many options as possible so we need to be capable of both processes in order to be in business for tomorrow,” continues Robert McLachlan.
John Watson chose to invest with Gallus for a number of reasons: “ We believe Gallus to have the best technology but beyond that we wanted a solid partnership. We are going from a standing start so training, technical support and back-up is critical,” comments Robert McLachlan.

The Gallus Group
The Gallus group is the world market leader in the development, production and sale of narrow-web, reel-fed presses designed for label manufacturers. Its folding carton business offers a range of wideweb, reel-fed presses and die-cutters for the cost-effective in-line production of folding cartons and cardboard products. The Gallus range of machines is complemented by consumables, local service and spare parts throughout the world. In 1999 Gallus entered into a cooperation agreement with Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, the world market leader for print and media industry solutions.
Gallus employs 565 people, of whom 260 are based in Switzerland. The group headquarters is in St. Gallen.

