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Presstek Helps Anglia Print Achieve Carbon Neutral Status

UK print service provider Anglia Print Ltd is a long-standing customer of Presstek, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRST), a leading manufacturer and marketer of digital offset printing solutions, and has become the first printing company in East Anglia to be certified as carbon neutral by the CarbonNeutral Company. The Beccles and Norwich based company believes its investment in a Presstek 34DI digital offset press has significantly enhanced its sustainability credentials and played a crucial role in helping it achieve coveted carbon neutral status.

John Popely, Director of Anglia Print Ltd continually seeks new ways to improve sustainability: “Through the installation of the Presstek 34DI we have reduced our energy consumption, chemical usage, water usage, and paper waste. Our recently completed greenhouse gas assessment highlighted that our electricity consumption is significantly lower when compared to our competitors. The CarbonNeutral Company asked us to check our meter readings again because they said our consumption was so low! Being carbon neutral has always been very important to us and this was a rigorous evaluation that looked at all aspects of our operations. It involved reducing the carbon production effects of our business as much as possible and offsetting any outstanding balance.”

Anglia Print Ltd chose the Presstek 34DI Press because its chemistry-free process fit well with the company’s environmental philosophy. Popely adds: “I’ve always felt strongly about environmental issues and so I set about making our operations as ‘green’ as possible. We first changed to green energy then introduced non-Soya biodegradable vegetable oil based inks, removed all alcohol and solvent-based chemistry. We also focused on using high-quality paper with recycled content, a heating system that recycles its own heat, low energy lighting, low energy computer usage and set up a free recycling service for computer media. No waste from Anglia Print Ltd goes into landfill.”

The Presstek 34DI press replaced eight machines in total, including two presses and a variety of prepress equipment. “It has given us more space in the pressroom and we have reduced our energy consumption by 40%,” concludes Popely. “We’ve reduced consumable consumption by 4 tonnes per year and paper waste by 30% because the DI comes up to colour so much quicker.”

Unavoidable carbon emissions produced by the company, such as petrol and diesel usage, are offset through the Aydin Geothermal Energy project in Turkey. See for more background.

About Presstek

Presstek, Inc. is a leading supplier of digital offset printing solutions to the printing and communications industries. Presstek’s DI® digital offset solutions bridge the gap between toner and conventional offset printing, enabling printers to cost effectively meet increasing customer demand for high quality, short run colour printing with a fast turnaround time while providing improved profit margins. The Company’s CTP portfolio ranges from two-page to eight-page systems, many of which are fully automated. These systems support Presstek’s line of chemistry-free plates as well as Aeon, a no preheat thermal plate which offers run lengths up to one million impressions. Presstek also offers a range of workflow solutions, pressroom supplies, and reliable service. Presstek is well positioned to support print environments of any size on a worldwide basis. For more information visit, send an e-mail to or call +44 (0) 208 745 8156 (Europe) or +1 603 595 7000 (North America).

