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Tecnografica Achieves PSO/ISO 12647 Conformance with Alwan CMYK Optimizer and PRINT Standardizer

Italian print service provider,  Tecnografica , has achieved PSO/ISO 12647-2 certification after investing in Alwan CMYK Optimizer and Alwan PRINT Standardizer. The commercial printing company decided to pursue the certification for its printing processes so that it could expand into the European market and increase revenue. Alwan is to showcase the solutions at MedPrint 2011, which is being staged between 23-26 March in Rome. Alwan can be found in Hall 3 at the Color Consulting booth, B31.

Lomazzo–based  Tecnografica  prints a wide range of products on offset, including catalogs, brochures, art books, flyers and folders. The printing house has a five-color Heidelberg press size 75 x 105 and a 10 color  Heidelberg XL press, enabling it to meet any production demand.

In addition to achieving PSO/ISO 12647-2, the Alwan solutions were also instrumental in  Tecnografica  achieving ISO 9001 in 2008. Angelo Trezzi,  Tecnografica 's Prepress Manager says: "We’ve been using Alwan CMYK Optimizer for three years now, and Alwan PRINT Standardizer for the past 12 months. The solutions have proved extremely helpful for optimizing incoming files and standardizing our press output, especially for perfecting eg simultaneous printing on the front and reverse side of the paper."

“Following the FOGRA certification in 2008, we wanted a system that would maintain ISO 12647 printing conditions on all our presses. Before adopting PRINT Standardizer, we regularly tested the printing conditions of our machines to update tone reproduction compensation curves. And even when the results were positive, it cost us time and money to conduct the tests.”


Trezzi has been impressed with the impact of Alwan PRINT Standardizer, which took just days to implement in the  Tecnografica  pressroom: "The installation was fast, and after training the operators to read colorimetric measurements rather than just density and dot gain measurements, we soon reaped the rewards. Our press operators can now see in real time if printed sheets and production jobs comply with standards, and if not, what needs to be fixed.”

PRINT Standardizer offers many practical benefits: "We’re using PRINT Standardizer with X-Rite IntelliTrax. Each measurement is used to track the press and keep printed dot gain on ISO targets. The system performs very well and its dynamic dot gain compensation curves are very accurate.”

For Trezzi, the Alwan solution has made a huge improvement to the way the company operates: “Previously we had to take manual measurements, but the Alwan solution means we can now handle a very large number of measurements, reliably and automatically. The accuracy of the dynamic dot gain curves generated by PRINT Standardizer is much better than what we used to achieve with manual and single test measurements because it works on statistical analysis and averaging data from actual production.”

When it comes to the return on investment, Trezzi is unequivocal: "Since achieving ISO 12647-2 standardization we have significantly improved production quality, and dramatically reduced make-ready times, errors and reprints. Customer complaints are a thing of the past.”

"The Alwan systems are integrated in our working methods and ISO standard operating procedures. Thanks to Alwan CMYK Optimizer and PRINT Standardizer, we can now print any job to standards, and create a consistent reprint with matching results, even after a long time.”

About Alwan Color Expertise

Alwan Color Expertise was founded in Lyon, France, in 1997 by the current President Elie Khoury. His vision - to demonstrate how important standardizing and controlling color is throughout every stage of production - has resulted in the company becoming a world leader in standardization and color management implementation. Today, Alwan provides software and consultancy to key players throughout the graphic arts industry, from printers to publishers and from software developers to hardware manufacturers.

Alwan offers a choice of four full-featured software solutions, CMYK Optimizer, PDF Standardizer, PRINT Standardizer and PRINT Verifier, each delivering specialized capabilities that enable all partners along the graphic production line to guarantee the color accuracy of their work, while ensuring optimum production further down the line.

Alwan has appointed specialist distributors for each of the targeted market segments. An ever-growing number of leading pre-press manufacturers are either bundling Alwan software with their products or recommending it with their systems.

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