To know where you are going, it’s important to recognise where you are. In the spirit of that well worn sentiment, Intergraf is launching its new policy brochure Vision for the European Graphic Industry.
The brochure is aimed at decision makers of the European Union and will be supplied free of charge to Intergraf member federations.
The brochure compiles all of Intergraf’s lobbying activities into one clear, concise document. It focuses on four main areas. These are: business competitiveness; environment and energy; skills, employability and labour market; and finally, promoting print.
The twelve page brochure will be a source of information on the aims of the graphic industry for officials from the European Union. Through Intergraf members it will also provide information to decision makers at national level.
It is important that those who need to be informed about the industry are aware of the scope of the challenges the industry faces and the opportunities available. With a clear, clean design the brochure provides a high level of detail and explanation.
By focusing on four distinct policy areas, the brochure ensures that for whichever area the decision maker is responsible, they will find the necessary information. They will also understand Intergraf’s position.
Each section has an initial paragraph which puts the issue into context. Then, each individual policy issue in the section is outlined - first by objective, then by the target audience and the partners involved. The achievements to date are then explained clearly.
At the end of each section there is a distinct heading calling for specific support the industry needs from European authorities. This is crucial as decision makers need to know that the industry is not sitting back and simply asking for help. Rather, it is actively dealing with its issues and proactively innovating for the future.
“While there is plenty the industry can do itself, it also needs the support of an informed and sympathetic Europe,” said Beatrice Klose, Intergraf Secretary General. “The graphic industry has a future and potentially a bright one, but the framework conditions can only be made possible with appropriate support.”
This brochure is another step in Intergraf’s continuous efforts to ensure that decision makers understand the power and sustainability of print.
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