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PMMI Launches EXPO PACK Guadalajara

PMMI, the owner and producer of EXPO PACK México, PACK EXPO International and PACK EXPO Las Vegas, has announced a new, regional trade show that will be held biennially in Guadalajara, Mexico.

PMMI will launch the biennial EXPO PACK Guadalajara February 27–March 1, 2013, anticipating a 3,000 net square meter show floor, 100 exhibitors and 4,000 attendees.

“Our decision stemmed from the continued success of EXPO PACK México, requests from current EXPO PACK exhibitors and market research data,” says Charles D. Yuska, president & CEO, PMMI. “We’re starting small, and focusing our resources on high quality attendees and exhibitors, to build a strong foundation for future events.”

In 1993, PMMI purchased EXPO PACK México as a 50 percent partner with OPREX, acquiring 100 percent in 2005. In June, PMMI strengthened its commitment to Mexican packagers and processors by expanding membership in all categories to qualified Mexican companies, and by launching PMT en Español, an online, Spanish-language version of its PMT magazine.

“PMMI’s Strategic Vision is to connect buyers and sellers along the processing and packaging supply chain, and our Mission is to help members compete globally,” Yuska says. “EXPO PACK Guadalajara — which will also provide a venue for new Mexican members to exhibit — will accomplish both.”

In addition to being one of the largest cities in Mexico and the capital of the state of Jalisco, Guadalajara is a major manufacturing hub for a range of industries. He adds that in a recent survey of current EXPO PACK exhibitors, more than 100 companies indicated they would support — and exhibit at — a new PMMI trade show in Guadalajara.

But even though its manufacturing base includes food and beverage producers, Jalisco and other nearby states are not as well-represented among the EXPO PACK México attendee base as one might expect, Yuska notes.

“There’s about 350 miles between Guadalajara and Mexico City,” Yuska points out. “Just as PACK EXPO Las Vegas and PACK EXPO International (Chicago) do, the two trade shows will draw from two different attendee bases. And, just as PACK EXPO Las Vegas and PACK EXPO International are, I’m confident that both shows will be premiere events.”


