BelInterMarket are a well established label printing company based in Brest, Belarus. The company previously produced labels by letterpress machinery but wanted to move across into flexo printing, and have achieved this by the recent installation of a five colour Edale Alpha 250mm wide compact flexo press.
The company had been looking at the Alpha for some time, and placed their order in early 2011, but due to the unforeseen financial crisis in Belarus, the order was delayed until summer of this year when it was finally installed pride of place in the factory in July.
Mikhail Soroka, Chief of Production at BelInterMarket
There have now been over 170 installations of the award-winning Edale Alpha press. The Alpha boasts a footprint of just 2.5m² and a web path of less than 12m. The Alpha is the ideal press for companies looking for improved productivity and profitability from today’s short run lengths. Quick job changes are achieved through the ergonomic design, coupled with the quick release plate roll mechanism ensuring accurate registration is achieved in the shortest time. The press is suitable for either UV or water-based inks and is capable of printing a wide variety of label, packaging and ticketing substrates from 50 – 250 microns.
As well as contact with Edale, BelInterMarket also went along to the Bobruisk Printing House Open day which was held early this year, and hosted by Edale’s Belarusian agents; Tusson and Ukraine representation MacHouse – alongside members of staff from Edale. BelInterMarket had a chance to view both an Edale Gamma and an Alpha during the Open Day, and were able to see live demonstrations and go through the many benefits of the machine with the print and technical departments.
Mikhail Soroka, Chief of Production comments “We decided to purchase the Edale Alpha instead of any other machine due to the simplicity and the excellent print quality achieved from the press. Over the years we have come across a number of companies with Edale Alpha’s within Belarus and we could not fault them. The service that we received from the sales and technical team at Tusson were invaluable in our final decision”.
BelInterMarket is situated near the Polish border and in a stunning part of Belarus; the company are happy to offer an Open House policy should anybody wish to view their Edale Alpha press.
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