When every single minute counts: Pressure Compensation Seal protects electronics of avalanche beacon against humidity.
Avalanche victim detectors significantly increase the chances of survival. Mammut's "Barryvox" high-tech tool is capable of precisely locating several people at once. For this purpose, the device is equipped with highly complex electronics that must withstand even the toughest environmental conditions. A sturdy housing and Schreiner ProTech's Pressure Compensation Seals (PCS) provide adequate protection. The PCSs ensure ventilation of the avalanche beacons and prevent the penetration of moisture.
In case of emergency, avalanche rescue beacons can save lives. That's why they should be part of the basic equipment of all Alpine sports lovers. In the race against time, every single minute counts. Quick, reliable and easy handling of the devices is therefore of paramount importance. "It is crucial that winter sports enthusiasts be able to rely on their equipment," says Ilari Dammert, Product Manager of Mammut. Multiple antenna systems, digital technology as well as distance and direction indicators allow for short searching times. Falls or weather conditions must not impede the device's function.
The Pressure Compensation Seals made by Schreiner ProTech ensure ventilation and pressure compensation in the housing of Mammut's "Barryvox" avalanche rescue beacon. "Reliable functioning of the devices requires proper ventilation on the one hand as well as protection against humidity and dirt on the other hand," explains Michael Spoerl, Product Manager at Schreiner ProTech. Pressure Compensation Seals prevent the production of overpressure in the electronics housing. In addition, a special membrane makes them completely watertight. "The membrane successfully withstood our stress test that simulates a dive in a mountain stream," says Dammert. Conclusion: Users can be certain that the detection devices always work - even in heavy snow, rain or humidity.
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