Keep the great look of metal while getting the benefits of plastics. This is possible with the In-Mould Labelling technique from RPC Superfos. The paint producer PPG has successfully completed a huge conversion from metal to plastic for a top end product.
Metal pails may to some people appear the only right type of packaging for paint. Others consider plastic pails more up-to-date and easier to handle. The French part of the American PPG Group has now made the move from metal to plastic and has no regrets, on the contrary:
“Our prior pails for the top end range paint under the main brand GUITTET, MAT 78 HydroPlus, COVRYL and SATINEA were made of metal. Part of the design - before with metal and now with plastic - is the nude, shiny metal look; an area without decoration of any kind. We were pleasantly surprised by how well it could be done with In-Mould Labelling. It perfectly incorporates the notion of high quality paint, so converting to plastic was worth doing; the result is absolutely splendid,” says Saura Mamvukila, Marketing and Packaging Executive at PPG.
Plastic and metal in one family
RPC Superfos has created a big surface with a metal effect on the plastic pail by making use of In-Mould Labelling. Compared to the prior pails of metal and to the existing range of paint sold in metal containers, Saura Mamvukila finds that the resemblance is striking.
“We have a family image where metal and plastic co-exist and therefore it is important that the different packaging solutions look good together. And they do,” she says and continues: “The conversion demanded numerous tests but the final result is exceptionally satisfying. RPC Superfos ambitiously kept on going until we obtained the final impeccable result: a container of a very high quality in all aspects. It has been a pleasure to work with the truly professional team from RPC Superfos.”
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