OMET and its partner in Russia VIP-Systems have successfully installed XFlex X4 in Russia at company Glloss Label, located in Moscow.
So states the General Director of the company: “The choice of OMET machinery was made during Drupa 2012 after a detailed analysis of the solutions offered by the top manufacturers of narrow web printing presses. The main reason why we were convinced to pick an OMET press was the quality - price balance and the possibility to take advantage of Vision-1 technology. Automatic register system Vision-1 is the OMET's invention , which brings major savings in waste and time at start-up and at each job change. As we work in segment of premium label , the multi-process XFlex X4 meets completely our market demand and moreover will open for us monofoil application. What is also important to say that our printers got adapted to the press in a short time thanks to simple management and intelligent interface " .
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