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Max Arts implements DiMS.NET!

Specialist printer Max Aarts, mid-sized printing company in the label industry and situated in Enschede, The Netherlands, installed with DiMS.NET! the latest version of the fully integrated MIS-ERP – solution from DiMS! organizing print B.V. from Lichtenvoorde, The Netherlands.

“Thinking about printing“

All the activities from Max Aarts are business to business, with the emphasis on the food-industry and general industry. Max Aarts produces from role to role. Their product-groups are divided in adhesive labels, adhesive tape, printed bands, gummed tape, barrier tape as well as specialized products like BIO and 100% compostable labels and foils.

Due to the unique quantity of production-possibilities Max Aarts customer-base is very diverge and the products delivered are mostly customized. A particular strength from Max Aarts is to think with their customers or interested customer at a very early state about the design, the application and cost-price to reach a balanced product and deliver always the optimal product.



Taking care of the environment is since a long time a focus of Max Aarts. Reduction of environmental-burdening of all company-activities is always a standard procedure. Therefore, all activities in production are broken down into processes.

Andre Prohitius, Managing Director from Max Aarts therefore states:

“All our activities, from pre-press to final production take place in our premises. This ensures that all lines in the production process are very short, communication to our customers is fast and direct.”



„Our order structure represents the full spectrum of a modern, high-end company in today’s label industry: from very small to very large production, our services range from simple, unprinted items to complex, customized products for various applications. Therefore, it was more than consequent to implement with DiMS.NET! a fully integrated MIS/ERP – solution, which will give us in real time and with a simple push on a button all information’s about all our processes in house – end-2-end –around our customer and the actual status of his product. DiMS! has moved us a big step forward.”

