Litográfica y Tipográfica América S.A. de C.V. (LYTASA) has recently upgraded its Colordyne Technologies 3600 Series Laser Pro digital printing press with the new Aspen Memjet engine upgrade. The upgrade allows all Colordyne Production Class platforms to print at speeds up to 275 feet (84 meters) per minute with a print resolution of 1600 x 1375 dpi.
Javier Simon, president of LYTASA, said the printing press has worked well since being installed in January 2014, but the upgrade allows them to provide an even higher level of service to their customers.
“We chose to install the upgrade because it significantly improved the production capacity of the machine – it’s more than the speed increase from 160 feet per minute to 275 feet per minute – we found the elimination of RIP times to be most beneficial to our business as we specialize in variable data,” Simon said. “The upgrade has also improved the overall operator experience and control of the equipment.”
Installed in April 2015, Simon said the Aspen Memjet engine upgrade has cut down on the time required to prepare label files for printing, and expanded their capability to print variable data jobs. Colordyne‘s digital color inkjet printers are powered by Memjet technology, a global leader in the printing industry that provides remarkable speed, resolution and price performance.
“We strive to support our customers with the latest in printing technology, and the Aspen Memjet engine upgrade is an example of that,” said Gary Falconbridge, president of Colordyne. “Maintaining a true partnership with our customers long after the sale has been completed is one of the many things that differentiate Colordyne in the industry. We provide the best-in-class technology that improves our customers’ operations, and we look forward to offering these upgrades to more of our valued customers in the months to come.”
Colordyne specializes in continuous innovation to their customers’ installations by providing a flexible and responsive long-term investment in digital color printing. The 3600 Series Production Class products have a modular printing platform design making it easily upgradable as future product enhancements become available.
Located in Mexico City, Mexico, LYTASA has been in the market for more than 70 years. The company prints pressure sensitive labels, folding boxes, traditional labels and commercial jobs. Visit for more information.
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