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FLEXcon Partners with Spartanics to Provide Turnkey Finishing Solutions for Labeling and Fabricated Parts

imageFLEXcon, an innovator in adhesive coating and laminating, today announced it has partnered with Spartanics, one of North America’s top manufacturers of laser cutting systems as well as other industrial automation products, to provide complete and ready-to-operate solutions for label and parts finishing to printers, converters and manufacturers.

Attendees of FLEXcon’s recent Pressure-Sensitive Films, Functions & Opportunities Seminar participated in a laser die cutting workshop where Spartanics Vice President of Engineering, Paul Dirienzo, and Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Mike Bacon, provided industry insights and education into innovative technologies. Spartanics’ Laser Cutting System is based on its sophisticated quality and depth control software, tuned to handle the complexities of laser cutting behind the scenes and ultimately making an operator’s job minimal. This allows manufacturers, printers and converters worldwide to maximize profits by offering clients flexibility in real world market situations, enabling them to seamlessly convert short and long run jobs while minimizing material waste and job turnover times.

“At FLEXcon, we are committed to helping the industry continue to innovate,” said Ron Ducharme, product manager, Product Identification, FLEXcon. “By partnering with Spartanics, we are able to provide turnkey solutions, allowing manufacturers, printers and converters to reduce production time and therefore increase ROI.”

Thanks to this partnership, customers will now be able to leverage the joint expertise of Spartanics and FLEXcon for a full label printing or parts fabrication solution. Spartanics and FLEXcon have worked together to process-prove materials for applications in various industries, completing much of the qualification work for the manufacturer, printer or converter. For example, foam, printed labels and other media have already been tested and approved by Spartanics, which allows users to simply download the process profile, creating a more seamless process, and allowing converters to easily sell labels or fabricated parts into the end-user market.

“FLEXcon is recognized as a leader in the industry and truly understands the needs of this market,” said Dirienzo. “We are thrilled to continue offering cutting-edge solutions with FLEXcon.”
